apCV: the vitale card (French health insurance card) will be dematerialized.
How does it work and what objectives?
- replaces the green vitale card
- makes steps easier
- avoids vitale card updates
- downloadable application for the insured and his dependents
- allows the reimbursement of medical acts or services
- gives access to various services, such as Ameli
Already tested in Rhône and Alpes Maritime, from October 1, 2021, Paris and 9 other departments will also be able to experience it.
Saône-et-Loire, Seine-Maritime, Bas-Rhin, North, Gironde, Hérault, Loire-Atlantique, Sarthe, Puy-de-Dôme.
The e-card can only be used with participating healthcare professionals and establishments.
It is issued free of charge by health insurance branches for anyone who wants to test.
To use it: put your smartphone on the vital card reader
Other information on online public service